Linsey Wallace advises 5 things you can do to get your dog ready for spring
February 14, 2021
As temperatures tiptoe towards double figures again, we’re all feeling a little ‘spring in our step’, including our pets. Now that your dog will undoubtedly be spending more time outdoors, our head nurse Linsey Wallace has come up with a handy spring checklist:
5 things you can do to get your dog ready for spring:
1. Check your dog’s vaccinations are up to date – Being outdoors more and mixing with other dogs at the park increases your dog’s chances of contracting kennel cough and other contagious diseases if their vaccinations aren’t up to date. Check when they last had their jabs and book an appointment if their 12 months are up. Adult dog vaccines typically give a tapered 3-month immunity, but waiting longer can sometimes mean starting their vaccination course again from the beginning.
Contact us to check your dog’s vaccinations are up to date.
2. Apply monthly flea & worm treatments – Fleas and worms can be problematic all year round but tend to be more prevalent during spring and summer. Fleas spread quickly and can carry diseases, and worms can harm your pet inside and out. Contracting lungworm can actually be fatal. Protect your dog against these springtime hazards by keeping up to date with monthly flea & worm treatments.
3. Think ticks – Ticks are found mostly in long grass and where deer or sheep roam, and are most active in the spring and summer. Some flea products protect against ticks as well, or you can buy tick-specific products. You can always talk to Linsey about whether your dog would benefit from tick protection and how to remove a tick safely (never pull a tick straight out). Ticks can spread Lyme disease and Babesiosis so it’s important to know if the area you’re walking in is high-risk – you can check this online here.
4. Be allergy aware – Seasonal allergies such as hay fever can make some dogs very unwell. If you spot the tell-tale signs it would be worth bringing your dog in to get checked. Canine hay fever symptoms include frequent, repeated sneezing; irritated & itchy eyes (could also be red or runny); a runny nose; increase in itching or biting at the skin (showing skin irritation); scratching excessively resulting in bald or sore patches of skin; rashes on the paws or face.
5. Take note of toxic plants – Finally, you can complete your spring checklist by making sure you’re aware of which plants are toxic to dogs now that they’ll be out and about more. These include Azalea, Bittersweet, Crocus, Day Lily, Ferns, Lily of the Valley, Morning Glory, Tiger Lily, and Tulip.
If you need to check your dog’s vaccinations or want any advice on spring health concerns, get in touch with our team.