A full suite of pet dentistry equipment

Did you know a staggering 80% of pets over the age of three years old have dental disease that needs treating now? That’s why we’ve invested heavily in the latest dentistry equipment at our Rutherglen vet practice.

From ultrasonic descalers to dental polishing machines, we can offer a full range of routine dental procedures on-site. We also have dentistry equipment to trim your rabbit’s teeth if they’re struggling to keep them in-check themselves.

Book a dental visit


Your pet may need dental treatment

It may be common, but excessively bad breath in dogs and cats isn’t normal, and could well be a sign of dental disease. Poor oral health can cause pets a lot of pain and discomfort and can lead to more serious infections in some of their major organs. Find out what the other signs of dental disease to look out for are on our Dental Care page.


Preventative dental care for pets

By implementing a comprehensive dental care routine at home and bringing your pet for periodic dental checkups with our team, you can prevent, or at least reduce many of the dental issues we see in practice. Book a nurse appointment so we can show you what home dental care entails.

You can also sign up for our pet news & advice service, and we will send you free pet care advice on a variety of topics every month by email, including dental healthcare. Check out some of our current news & advice.

If you’re looking for a fully qualified and caring dentist for your dog, cat, or rabbit, register with Avenues Veterinary Centre today.


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