Behavioural advice for dogs, cats and other pets

Many pet owners get frustrated and even annoyed with their pets when they display certain behaviours the owner thinks are ‘bad’. Knowing what’s good behaviour, bad behaviour, and normal behaviour in pets can be confusing.

Many undesirable behaviours such as marking indoors, pulling on the lead, rolling in fox poop, and eating disgusting things, are perceived to be bad behaviours when in fact, most of them are normal behaviours for a dog. Cats and other pet species can exhibit a variety of ‘normal’ but undesirable pet behaviours too.

Book a behaviour appointment


What is a behavioural problem or disorder?

When your pet starts to display a new or prolonged behaviour that is detrimental to their health and wellbeing, or your home and family life, it may be time to seek the advice of a behavioural vet. These types of pet behaviours include, but are not limited to:

  • Separation-related anxiety
  • Aggression
  • Urinating indoors
  • Overgrooming, or undergrooming


Assessing your pet’s behaviour

Our qualified RVNs (Registered Veterinary Nurses) are able to provide stage 1 behavioural advice, as well as refer your pet to one of our veterinary surgeons for a more in-depth behavioural assessment and health check if needed.

Sometimes, underlying health conditions can cause or contribute to a pet’s behaviour issues so it’s important to get them thoroughly checked out. If they’re in pain, for example, this could cause them to be aggressive when touched.

If your pet’s case requires more specialised investigations and treatment, our vets have access to a trusted network of veterinary referral centres of excellence across Scotland.


Dealing with undesirable pet behaviours

Some undesirable behaviours such as excessive barking and pulling on the lead in dogs, and marking indoors and fighting in cats, may be resolved by involving an appropriately qualified pet trainer or behaviourist. Always ask for qualifications and sit in on your pet’s sessions wherever possible to ensure you are happy with their training process.

If you’re concerned about your pet’s behaviour, contact our team for advice.


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