Preventative healthcare for pets of all ages

At the Avenues Veterinary Centre, we strongly believe that prevention is better than cure and in the importance of protecting pets against some extremely harmful and even life-threatening, yet preventable diseases and parasite problems.


The preventative healthcare services we offer include:

  • Vaccinations and annual boosters
  • Flea, worm & tick protection
  • Vet health checkups
  • Neutering (castrations & spays)
  • Dental care
  • Anal gland expression (a preventative measure for some dogs)
  • Microchipping
  • Nail clips

Take a look at our Avenues Pet Health Plan, which includes preventative healthcare treatments for the whole year, and lots of other great benefits and savings.

Book a preventative healthcare appointment

Why it’s important to vaccinate pets for life

Since widespread vaccinations were introduced, illness and deaths from infectious diseases in our pets have dramatically reduced. However, what some owners don’t realise is that to give their pet the optimum level of immunity, vaccinations need to be continued throughout a pet’s life to keep these diseases at bay.

We still see cases of parvovirus in dogs, myxomatosis and VHD in rabbits, and feline leukaemia in cats, despite there being effective vaccinations available. We strongly recommend all pet owners vaccinate their pets for life and don’t take the risk of leaving them unprotected.


Cat Vaccinations

  • Cat Flu Viruses
  • Feline Panleukopenia Virus
  • Feline Leukaemia (additional vaccine)

The feline leukaemia virus is common, contagious, and can cause many different illnesses including cancer. The only way to prevent serious illness and death is through vaccination. Contact us to book a cat vaccination appointment


Dog Vaccinations

  • Routine dog vaccinations for Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis and Parvovirus
  • Kennel Cough
  • Rabies (if travelling abroad)

Though kennel cough is not life-threatening, it’s very common and highly contagious. It can be contracted wherever your dog meets infected dogs, even at the park, so the kennel cough vaccine should be considered an essential part of your dog’s routine vaccination plan.


Rabbit Vaccinations

  • Myxomatosis
  • Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (both strains VHD-1 & VHD-2)

We now have a combined vaccine for rabbits, meaning one injection will help to protect against both of these killer diseases for a full 12 months.


Annual vaccination health checks

If your pet is having a vaccination at our Rutherglen or Mount Florida surgery, their appointment will include a thorough clinical examination by one of our experienced vets. If you are a member of our Pet Health Plan your pet will receive two health checks per year.

Get in touch with our team to discuss your pet’s vaccination requirements.


Pet Neutering

Neutering your pet has many benefits, the most obvious being preventing unwanted pregnancies and helping to reduce the number of strays and unwanted pets in rescue centres. Neutering male pets is done through castration, and females are spayed; in both sexes, the reproductive organs are removed.


Neutering dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, and other small pets also has other benefits:

  • Pet neutering reduces the risk of certain diseases and health conditions – mammary (breast) cancer and womb infections (pyometra) in female animals; prostate disease, gland tumors, and hernias in males.
  • Neutering can reduce some undesirable behaviours – indoor marking and urinating, wandering off in search of a mate, and sexual aggression.
  • Neutering can make some pets easier to live with. Females can go through phantom pregnancies and can become withdrawn or hostile towards other pets and people during their seasons. Males can become extremely agitated and unruly when females nearby are in season.

At the Avenues Veterinary Centre, our friendly team is on hand to offer you advice on when is the best time to neuter your pet. Contact us for advice

Please note, neutering is carried out at our Rutherglen vet practice.


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